Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Light at the end of the Tunnel...

Last night some representatives from Commerce came to speak to our class. They were making us aware that very soon we would be eligible to take our PPR test for teacher certification. They also handed several of us a letter of anticipation. When I opened this letter to read it, I could see the light at the end of a very long tunnel. The letter stated that they anticipated me to complete my program before August 15, 2009. Tears came to my eyes as I read that letter. I came to the very sudden realization that my dreams of becoming a teacher were very close to becoming a reality. Teaching is not just a career to me. I know that I have a call from God to do this. Obtaining my certification has been a much longer process than I could have anticipated. The efforts have all been worth it. When I think about standing in front of my very own class next year it inspires me. I saw the picture above and realized that I will be planting seeds for a lifetime.

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