Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Red Neck Party...

Friday Thomas and I had some friends and family over for an unexpected get together. The weather was warm, and we all ended up outside. Anyone who knows my husband is aware that he has a pass time of working on cars. Lately, he has so many projects that my driveway looks like a wrecking yard, and his friends can't come over with out helping him work on cars. On this particular evening, we had the car hoods up, the garage door open, and a seat from Nanny's van in the yard. We were also drinking IBC Root Beer. This soda is so good, but it comes in a bottle that looks like the real thing! I can only imagine what we looked like to the neighbors! It really was a scene right out of a Jeff Foxworthy DVD.

Nice Engines Huh?
Don't forget the trailer either.

Here is the seat from Nanny's van.
It was our temporary lawn furniture.

You can't have a red neck party without the dog there!

It was really something else. At least now one of the vans and the trailer are gone. The life of a mechanics wife is never boring.

1 comment:

Amy Gabbard said...

I think the Elam's are rubbing off on you. You may have earned your redneck card with that one. That was good blog. Reminds me of my childhood.