Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Where is little froggie?

This ugly little creature is an African Dwarf Frog, and we have little tanks of them in the classroom right now. The interesting thing is that when the frogs came in we had some pretty big ones. What we didn't know was that they eat each other. Last Friday during the reading quiz, one of the students brought to our attention that one of the big frogs in their tank had their little frog's legs in it's mouth. My mentor went over and pried the little frog out with a plastic spoon. Unfortunately, when we came in on Monday morning, three of the groups big frogs had eaten the little ones. Poor little froggies. This is something that has never happened before. I guess there is a first time for everything.

1 comment:

Amy Gabbard said...

It's a frog eat frog world. That is so gross.