Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Surveys are a bad idea in 4th grade...

Today I had to survey my student teaching class. This is an assignment for a class I am taking on Monday nights. We had to survey our class on something that we were doing well, something that we weren't doing well, and something that they would like to change. The data that I collected was supposed to identify a problem, and I would then research ways to resolve that problem. I didn't think that this was a very good idea, and I was proved right! These were the extent of the problems listed:

1. We need our recess back. (They have to earn recess back because of bad behavior last week)

2. There are to many tattletales in this class.

3. I don't like where I sit.

4. There are to many people in each other's business.

There were a few good ideas that I didn't list, but it was mostly non-useful information. The good point was that they all said that they loved their teacher, and the cool activities that she lets them do. (making videos, writing stories, experiments, ect.) This helps me to know that I need to do these kind of activities in my own classroom because they are so engaging and the kids love them. Overall though, I don't recommend surveys in 4th grade.

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