Friday, March 13, 2009

Oopps I got caught with bubble gum...

Today I saw a bag of bubble gum on my mentor teacher's desk, and decided that I would have a piece. We went to pick up the kids from lunch, and I got caught. Mrs. Elam you have gum! How come you get to chew gum and we don't? That's not fair. At this point another 4th grade teacher walked by and saw the guilty look on my face. He grinned at me, and made the joke with the kids that teachers could do whatever they wanted. Another student looked at me and said, "You should spit that out Mrs. Elam." I said alright if it will make you feel better I will throw it away. Then she told me that she was going to watch me and make sure I spit it out.
(Of course you and I know that teachers can have gum because we don't stick it under desks, put it in people's hair, or throw it on the floor). Ha Ha!

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