Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas is on its way!

Well, Christmas is on it's way here again. It seems like every year is a little shorter, but that may be because I am a little older.
Yesterday I put up my Christmas tree. Setting up the tree has always been my favorite part of celebrating the Christmas holidays. I remember being a little girl, and bothering my mother with questions of when I could decorate our tree with ornaments. I wonder what my house will sound like when God blesses me with children. Will they be excited as I was to decorate the tree? I hope so. This year Caleb helped me to decorate my tree, and I got to enjoy some of that childlike excitement again.
Now that I am an adult, I enjoy sitting and admiring the tree's beauty from my couch. It gives me time to reflect over the last year and realize how fortunate I am.

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