Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Ants Go Marching In...

Well, today we had an ant invasion. This has happened before, but it was quite comical how it came about this afternoon. It was a normal Sunday afternoon about two-o'clock, and Thomas was watching t.v. I was catching up on the laundry when all of a sudden I hear Baby, come here! I was a little bit irritated to be called away from my chores. Thomas was almost jumping from the couch. I asked him what in the world was wrong. Do I have an ant on my back, he asked? Sure enough there was one. There must be ants in the couch, he said. So he moved the couch away from the window and began to search for ants. Sure enough there was a little trail of them from the backdoor to the couch.

The next thing I know Thomas is vacuuming out the couch trying to find the ants. He got the spray and attacked the ones that were under the window. Thank Heavens for Raid!!

A little funny isn't it?

Daisy is also terrified of the vacuum, so she hid by the hallway. The look on her face suggests, What is that thing doing out again?

Well, we survived the ants marching in to our home. The moral of the story... don't eat food on your couch! Ha Ha.

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